Make a Referral to Optivet Glasgow


This specialist-led ophthalmology referral service is delivered in an innovative joint venture between Optivet Referrals and The University of Glasgow Small Animal Hospital. 

We provide a complete service from start to finish. We offer total ophthalmology care with advanced treatments and specialist surgeries. We ensure each patient that we treat has a positive experience and put a care plan in place to ensure a prime ocular outcome.

How we can help

We offer a full-range of extraocular and intraocular surgeries, as well as medical management where required. We work closely with the other disciplines in the hospital to provide your patients with total care. Whether your patient requires simple eyelid surgery or phacoemulsification, just refer to 'Optivet at The University of Glasgow' for optimal patient and client care.

Distichia/Ectopic / Medial Canthoplasty / Temporary Tarsorraphy / Nictitans Membrane

Superficial Keratectomy / CCT / Conjunctival Graft / Corneal Suture / Diamond Burr / Letterbox

Iris Mass resection / Iris Cyst Ablation / Anterior Chamber Flush / Anterior Lens Luxation / Phacoemulsification / ECP / Retinopexy

Enucleation / Evisceration / Exenteration / Retrobulbar Abscess Drainage / Orbitotomy
We perform retinal reattachments and corneal transplants at our Hampshire hospital and we plan to develop these surgeries in Glasgow in due course.

Location Arrow    Optivet at The University of Glasgow
      Small Animal Hospital, 464 Bearsden Rd,
      Glasgow G61 1QH

Phone    0141 330 5848

 Clock    Monday - Friday

       8.30am - 5.30pm


Phone    0141 330 7690

⇒  Weekend emergencies


Make a Referral to Optivet Glasgow